The Power of Saying No

Saying No.

This correspondent post was written by Tiffany Han.

We talk near the ability of saying yeah a lot when it comes to creative businesses.

Say yes and figure it out later.
Raise your manus fifty-fifty if you're non ready.
Have advantage of opportunities that come your style. Saying yes is how you get ahead.

All of this is true…and yet, there is also power that comes with saying no.

Saying no to the things that no longer serve y'all. Saying no to so-called opportunities that actually event in you lot doing a lot of extra piece of work for not much corresponding advantage.

Proverb no to people who suck your energy. And your fourth dimension. And your money.

Saying no to the things that are not good for you – relationships, habits, tasks – so that you tin can say yes to the things that ARE infinitely better for your business, your life, and your psyche.

It's easy to become a yes-man when you're starting out. Ofttimes we're so excited nearly all! the! possibility! that nosotros take on every project that becomes available and forget to keep the vision of our business in the forefront. We become so consumed with the 24-hour interval-to-mean solar day tasks of doing the job that we forget about our function as business owner and visionary.

And sometimes, the simply manner to regain power as the Person in Charge is to outset saying no: Turning downward the pain-in-the-butt client who (you know!) is going to drive you crazy and be 100% not worth it in the long run. Saying no, thank you to the "unpaid simply skillful exposure" photography gig. Passing on the super discounted gild for your aunt's co-worker who yous'll never hear from again.

Today's claiming: Take a wait at what you're working on these days, especially the things that are taking up the majority of your time and energy, and ask yourself: "How is this serving me?" If you don't similar your reply, it's time to start saying no.

PS. Heads upwards y'all! Today is my birthday (whoo hoo!) and in celebration of my 34 years, I'm offering a 1-twenty-four hour period birthday sale on my upcoming 11/iv How to Say No webinar and Social Media Rehab Workbook.

You may know Tiffany Han, CPCC every bit a life and concern coach, but actually she helps highly-creative women wake up happy and have more fun. Every single day. She'due south been called the Mary Poppins of creative businesses and a professional Yoda by her clients. If yous're feeling the growing pains of running your creative business organisation and are ready to Finish spinning your wheels and actually go stuff washed, her Proficient Morning Glitterbomb daily inspiration emails are sure to calorie-free your burn.

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